We tend to think of fall migration as a north/south event, but some of our more common local wintering birds spend their summer breeding season in the mountains. Ornithologists term them …
By George Walter
This should not even be a question, should it? A couple of …
“To often we under estimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life …
We have another very loyal and compassionate pet charity to talk about this week.
Patty met with Kate Bligh, Secretary/Treasurer of a fairly new 501(c)(3) non-profit charity organization called …
As the election approaches in a time of intense polarization, I feel compelled to write about women’s reproductive rights.
Medical Background: Biology 101
Humans are mammals whose …
I’m not sure how many cities or counties in Washington State have Poet laureates. Sometimes, the position is called Civic Poet. A Poet Laureate is usually officially appointed by a …
By Amy Lewis
Sometimes we just crave Mexican food. I recently made a chicken fajita meal that hit the spot. Here is my recipe:
One pound of cooked chicken, shredded
One sweet onion, …
TLM Labor and Olympia Film Society to Present a Free Screening of Labor Wars of the Northwest on October 24th
The Thurston – Lewis – Mason Central Labor Council is proud to announce …
On a trip to Yellowstone National Park earlier this month, I was hoping to see some birds unique to that area – the Rocky Mountains. But, perhaps because of the late season, birds were few in …
Grace is not a word I use or even think of often. I am not positive I understood it’s meaning until I looked it up for this column…nor am I sure I understand it now.
To me, grace is …
As we watched the horrendous amount of destruction brought by first Hurricane Helene, and then Hurricane Milton, it makes us wonder how prepared we all are for any natural disaster that may, …
I was recently invited to a volunteer day for Master's Degree students at St. Martin’s University. While I couldn’t attend due to work obligations, I thought it was worth sharing some of …
In general, when we think of books we see a flat rectangle in our mind, sometimes bound in a pretty cover, or a soft bound. As children, we interacted with books differently. We might …
By Amy Lewis
This week’s recipe is a crisp, sweet broccoli salad, that is also quick and easy to put together. This is a great side dish with chicken or fish, and may be made ahead, holding up well in the …
By Shannon Beigert
There’s a risk in leaving tomatoes ripening on the vine in early October when frost might ruin them, but for a trip through Yellowstone National Park, the risk seemed worth taking. And after …
The Deschutes Estuary Project is good for the State but bad for the local taxpayers of Unincorporated Thurston County, Cities of Tumwater, Olympia, LOTT and the Port of Olympia.
This week, Trish met with Amy Geier, the Outreach and Development Coordinator for Concern for Animals in their office located at 1414 State Avenue NE, Olympia, WA 98506.
Amy is one …
Trish Lynn and Thom Donitz
As a younger woman I was often seen driving around town with a coffee cup on the roof of my car.
I no longer drink and drive.
I also had many honks, waves, finger pointing and untellable …
Do you want to help combat the housing crisis? Then you should consider submitting comments to the county in opposition to a development called BAR Holdings/Salish Landing, and you should consider …
One month ago, the Office of the Insurance Commissioner (OIC) announced the approval of a 10.7% increase for premiums in the individual health insurance market through the Washington Exchange. This …