1036 results total, viewing 581 - 600
How do you get fit? The same way you get to Carnegie Hall … practice, practice, practice. You practice daily and it becomes part of your life. Physical fitness (also known as wellness, … more
You have benefited from the services of nonprofit organizations throughout your life. Chances are the hospital where you were born is a nonprofit. The schools you attended (unless one was an online school named after a major town in Arizona) were nonprofit.... more
Dear Lexis, People say that I’m selfish, but no one seems to be able to tell me how to change that. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks, - Selfish in Olympia Dear Selfish, First, … more
He’s tall, about 6’, with a large name, Julien Bancroft-Connors, but wrote about a man who was short in stature, 5’1”, with an even larger name, George Roberts Twelves Hewes. … more
Mariners spring training is underway in Peoria, where the temperature is forecast to be a sunny 73 degrees on Saturday. Local gardeners’ spring training is off to a slower start; … more
For birds, like for humans, vision is the most important of the senses. They rely on it for all their vital life tasks, from finding food to avoiding being food for others. Most bird photographs are … more
Valentine’s Day means different things to different people. For some it is a bouquet of flowers and fancy card, along with a romantic dinner or outing. Others, without partners, may gather with … more
Dear Lexis, What do you see as the biggest problem with communication? Thanks, Curious in Lacey Dear Curious, That is an excellent question and one that people should probably consider … more
I felt a shock of (virtual) fresh air and sunlight during the evening of Friday, February 3. I was deeply touched, wiping tears from my eyes. The night celebrated the Youth of the Year at the Raj … more
One of the great aspirations of dedicated birdwatchers is to have a “Big Year” – a year in which they go all-out to see as many bird species as possible within a given geographic … more
I am a member of the Olympia Host Lions Club. One of our weekly rituals is to donate a dollar or more for birthdays – our own or that of a family member. This week I donated for my oldest … more
Back home in Olympia from my second  ‘post-Covid’ January of travel to warm places, I have reflections to share.  Last year I served on a volunteer medical team in Belize. A key … more
This is a busy week as I gather my ingredients for my annual Super Bowl Stew. While two of our teams, the Seahawks and Packers, will not be on the field, we can claim the Kansas City Chiefs as we … more
Dear Readers, I’ve always been a fan of the “I can do it myself” mentality. It tends to go hand-in-hand with female empowerment, but something I’ve realized over the years … more
On the news a few nights ago I heard that there’s a surge of people buying baby chicks and hens because the cost of eggs has gone up. Silly people! Has it crossed their minds that the cost … more
“They come here in devastating crisis, often from long distances, sometimes from halfway around the world,” Rachael Waters of the local Fisher House explained about the people who check … more
In January participants on the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC) anticipate receiving the results of local counts. It gives us a snapshot of what birds are available for watching in the area … more
Did anyone else notice the latest advertising scheme during the holidays?  The one that introduced their great product that we couldn’t possibly live without, that was immediately followed … more
Each quarter since 2013, I have received the following notice from Amazon…. “This is the quarterly notification to inform you that AmazonSmile has made a charitable donation to the … more
Dear Readers, Have you ever noticed that two people can look at the same situation and see it differently? It’s an interesting phenomenon and one that’s been studied on various … more
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