Letters to the Editor
150 results total, viewing 61 - 80
Thomas Jefferson wrote that a well-informed electorate is a necessary precursor to a healthy democracy. One would think that today, with a proliferation of information “channels”, … more
With the DC Extended Universe being handed off to the newly formed DC Studio’s, the current lineup looks to be off to a rocky start due to combination of the Writer’s Guild Strike and the … more
Driving by the intersection at Black Lake Boulevard and Highway 101 on any day between 9 and 10 a.m. in any season, rain or shine, hot or cold, you’ll very likely see a distinguished-looking, … more
The words we use to talk about something shape how we think about it. Sometimes what we call things has more to do with aspirations and public relations than observation and description. Such as with … more
After the Eddie Murphy Box office Disaster of the same title, when attempting to capitalize on a film from one of Disneyland’s popular attractions, I thought at first that it would not sell. … more
We are writing to say “Hurrah!” to the City of Olympia Council and City Manager. At the Tuesday, August 21, Olympia City Council meeting the Council approved a resolution rescinding … more
Since 1981, Harrison Ford has been the face of the film franchise portrayed as the titular character, Indiana Jones. The titular character is a globetrotting Archaeologist who also fights against … more
Did you know? Thurston County held primary elections on August 1st. It's a fact of which most Thurston County residents were unaware or simply didn't care. For most registered voters, elections … more
I hope this explanation is sufficient, and you are welcome to contact me if you have further questions. Thank you in advance for taking the time. more
Some members of the Lacey City Council serve under The Standard of No Standards. Video evidence showed Councilmember Ed Kunkel, accompanied by Councilmember Lenny Greenstein, illegally removed a campaign sign more
... every library patron must be equally free to select for themselves the library materials that meet their needs and wishes, without regard to the criticism of others. more
The PDC failed to fulfill its mission regarding the complaints filed about Tumwater and Olympia’s regional fire ballot measure flyer.  The flyer was transparently propagandistic and … more
On 6/22/23 the Olympia City Council's Land Use Executive Committee (LUEC) met to take up the issue of sidewalk repair. I listened to the meeting and applaud the city for stepping up to the call from … more
The City of Olympia is currently considering an expansion of the 8-year Multifamily Tax Exemption (MFTE) program.  This optional program offers developers a pass on paying property taxes for … more
If you owned a parcel of land worth well over $40 million, plus millions more in infrastructure, buildings, equipment and several thousand feet of no-bank waterfront with unimpeded views of an inland … more
Nearly five years after the debut of the Film, Bumblebee, we are witnessing a fresh reboot for the Transformers film franchise. The reboot follows on the heels of the previous installments that had … more
While considering reducing how much off-street parking developers are required to provide the city found that zero would be the right number.  It didn’t start off that way.  The … more
Jane Jacobs, the author of “The Death and Life of Great American Cities” wrote, “You can’t rely on bringing people downtown, you have to put them there.” Her … more
A few years ago, I saw the animated movie, “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.” The movie truly opened my mind to the very thought of animation, each universe with its own animation style … more
Imagine this scene: A neighbor's house is on fire. The first fire truck arrives. But instead of using water on the blaze, the firefighters throw kerosene at it. The fire burns hotter, and the next … more
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