The Sage Connection

Working on my positive input into my life, day to day


It almost seems impossible, but I feel there is more negativity than usual lately, everywhere I look.

The news, both print, online, and broadcast is filled with either misleading or snarky headlines about who hates who, who is lying to whom, or why we should feel one way or another about who hates who, etc. The clear exception, is of course, The JOLT News.

Even Facebook, where I normally go for my smile of the day, is filled with derogatory postings about groups, individuals and or nations fighting with one another.

Since I do not know any of the celebrities currently divorcing or battling over their estates, I do not find these stories of interest. Nor do I pay any attention to the plethora of polls showing who would win the election if it were held today. I am only interested in who wins in November.

As for the ongoing wars… it has always been my personal belief, that if you must go to war, you have already lost.

I post a lot of silly things on Facebook hoping to provide a smile for others, but lately, this is getting harder to do. I fear my silliness is getting buried by the negative stuff.

So, I have begun to search for other ways to fill my time and head with more positive endeavors.

For instance, I am now spending quite a bit of time thinking about what I should do with my hair. This requires me to sit in front of a mirror which inevitably leads me to wonder what I should do about my face. As you can imagine, if you are of a certain age, this can eat up a lot of time.

So far, I have not reached any conclusions about either, but I am still thinking. Who knows what wonders might lay ahead? Especially since Prairie, my soon-to-be six-year-old great-granddaughter, has become quite the make-up artist, and my face is her favorite canvas.

I enjoy crossword puzzles and crime-solving games on my computer. I have yet to solve a crime, but hope springs eternal. Crossword puzzles are fun because I learn new words, and more about the world at large. And if I could spell without the aid of AI, which does not work on my crossword app, I am sure I would complete a few more of these.

The great grands, who live next door, are always good for a smile or laugh-out-loud moment or two each day. Prairie loves to help me with my crime-solving attempts and Willow loves to lead me into the kitchen, little hand wrapped around my finger, to find the latest treat in the pantry or fridge that was purchased just for him.

This would be after he has depleted the M&M’s he found in “his” drawer – in my desk. He and his sister have cough medicine cups in their respective drawers that I keep filled with sweets for when they are having a tough time.

If only it would be this easy to solve all of the world’s problems…

One of my granddaughters is getting married in July in our yard, and family and friends from all around will be descending for the big day, so menus, yard work and more are in full swing.

Thoughts on what to wear to her wedding occupy a small amount of time… I could probably show up in my pj’s and no one would notice. After all, it is her day, and she has already found her dress.

But, if by chance, I have decided what to do with my hair and face by then perhaps I should buy a new dress… or better yet, a new hat! I love hats and that would solve the hair dilemma. Clearly, I am already making progress.

As you can see, I am very busy with the important things in my life. Things I can control, or decide for myself, that will have an impact on my peace of mind and personal happiness… like sitting outside in my redwood forest…

Kathleen Anderson writes this column each week from her home in Olympia. Contact her at or post your comment below.


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