Two men who asked not to be identified sat on a sidewalk last week near the intersection of Washington Street NE and Thurston Avenue NE enjoying a pre-Christmas cherry pie. When asked what their plans were for Christmas, one of them responded, “We were just thinking about that, but I think this pie is probably the best we’re gonna get.”
Most individuals will spend parts of the holiday season with their families celebrating the new year, Kwanzaa, Christmas, the winter Solstice and Hanukkah.
Christmas for most of the homeless people who live in downtown Olympia or The Jungle is a bit different; there are no gifts, no families to visit and no holiday celebrations. As LeAnn, a homeless woman who said she has lived in The Jungle for several years said, “We just try to get by one day at a time – but I hope others have a good Christmas.”
The Holiday Season is usually a time of joy and cheer – but not for Olympia’s homeless.
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We should increase sales tax in the city so everyone homeless person gets a present....
Tuesday, December 26, 2023 Report this
…or some form of involuntary confinement. The fact that the city enables this drug-addled spiral of self-destruction is appalling. So much suffering in the name of compassion, wake up Olympia!
Tuesday, December 26, 2023 Report this
OlyGuy and Ford Perfect - that's the Christmas spirit.
Know that, unlike these homeless, God loves you and your lives will always be healthy and financially secure; free of disabling accidents, mental or physical afflictions, addiction or abuse. As you lie in your warm beds tonight take a moment to think about these folks on the streets, crouched in alley ways behind dumpsters, and in the bushes trying to sleep in the rain, mud and cold, and know that you are not among them because, in the eyes of God, you are special.
Tuesday, December 26, 2023 Report this
God has nothing to do with this. Homelessness is humans doing and we should be ashamed of ourselves. In a rich country like ours everyone should have a home. Please don’t add to their burden by mocking them. Be a part of the solution not a part of the problem.
Tuesday, December 26, 2023 Report this
You misunderstood my motivation.
These folks need a viable exit strategy from drugs, not a handout. Rehab programs can’t be voluntary or they will be under-utilized.
Feeling sorry for them, and allocating more resources to pad the bottom rung of society is doing nothing but creating space for more net suffering. The attitude of tolerance towards property crime, drug use and distribution, vandalism, loitering, trespassing and illegal dumping has impacts far beyond the encampments.
Invoking God is an odd angle, but I appreciate that you think I’m unable to empathize. I want there to be less suffering in the world… giving into drugs and just letting people go wild with it is causing great harm.
If you think that people lack agency or any personal responsibility and that everyone’s circumstance is God’s will, then there is no blaming anyone for their actions. Why hold them accountable when you can coddle them and tell them nothing is their fault. Tell them society owes them and that if they hold their hand out long enough that a miracle might happen. Stay in your shanty or your tent and wait for someone to rescue you.
Of course I want everyone to sleep in a warm bed tonight… I’m not a monster! Step one to get these people off the street is getting them away from drugs. If somebody is still addicted to drugs, you can’t just pop them in free housing and expect everything to work out.
Tuesday, December 26, 2023 Report this
Are they from around here? Or did they come here because they found out Olympia will give them everything they need and let them break laws with no consequences. These camp are not homeless camps, they are disgusting and destructive drug camps inhabited by non-residents. If I had a kid I would do everything in my power to ensure they did not experience this foul lifestyle. Stop enabling them and they will leave. The reason they are allowed to stay is because they will vote Democrat.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023 Report this
FINALLY - some common sense voices besides mine! We absolutely cannot keep up this notion of hand-outs and continued support the Jungle and homeless in Olympia. Not everyone gets a trophy and there are losers - and drugs won't make the hurt go away! I'm appalled and yet not by the person who invoked God into this conversation. I don't believe God wants us to enable this behavior and calling it out for what it is, is not judgement, it's a very small dose of reality. What is being said is that we need to stop the insanity of what is being done and the attitudes of those who think giving them more is a good idea. These people need three alternatives; jail, rehab, or a bus ticket to San Francisco where they will get anything they want. Please don't let this community fail and devolve into a place that is scary and worthless - we're moving in that direction. It's heartbreaking. And yet, seeing this glimmer of support for change is so encouraging - again, thank you!
Monday, January 8, 2024 Report this