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You misunderstood my motivation.

These folks need a viable exit strategy from drugs, not a handout. Rehab programs can’t be voluntary or they will be under-utilized.

Feeling sorry for them, and allocating more resources to pad the bottom rung of society is doing nothing but creating space for more net suffering. The attitude of tolerance towards property crime, drug use and distribution, vandalism, loitering, trespassing and illegal dumping has impacts far beyond the encampments.

Invoking God is an odd angle, but I appreciate that you think I’m unable to empathize. I want there to be less suffering in the world… giving into drugs and just letting people go wild with it is causing great harm.

If you think that people lack agency or any personal responsibility and that everyone’s circumstance is God’s will, then there is no blaming anyone for their actions. Why hold them accountable when you can coddle them and tell them nothing is their fault. Tell them society owes them and that if they hold their hand out long enough that a miracle might happen. Stay in your shanty or your tent and wait for someone to rescue you.

Of course I want everyone to sleep in a warm bed tonight… I’m not a monster! Step one to get these people off the street is getting them away from drugs. If somebody is still addicted to drugs, you can’t just pop them in free housing and expect everything to work out.

From: Holiday messages from downtown and The Jungle

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