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He didn't want a bicycle so he 'didn't have to walk'. He wanted something to steal so he could sell it for drugs. Do you have any idea how much one of those Trek bikes cost? The ones on sale Right now are $13000. Yes, that's thirteen with three zeros. I think it's insane for a bike to cost that much, but ...mister Bike Thief knew precisely how much he can get for a Trek bike.

As one poster said, he could have stolen a bike off the happens all the time at SPSCC and Evergreen. No, that Trek bicycle was brand new.

If he's tired of walking, he should get a job and a bus pass to get to work until he can afford that nice new bicycle.

BUt I really think he should spend some time behind bars.

From: Trek Bicycle Olympia West burglarized, alleged thief attempted to flee from police

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