Trek Bicycle Olympia West burglarized, alleged thief attempted to flee from police


In the early hours on May 14, the Olympia Police Department responded to a burglary at Trek Bicycle Olympia West, located at 1900 Harrison Avenue NW.

ADT Security Services reported the incident after an audible alarm indicated a glass break.

Upon arrival, officers found the front entry glass door shattered and no one on the scene.

Law enforcement was searching for possible suspects near the burglarized shop when an officer spotted a white male, dressed in all black and carrying a black backpack, riding a new Trek bicycle on the 4th Avenue Bridge.

The officer started to chase and attempt to stop the suspect, later identified as Jesse Voorhies, but was ignored and kept on fleeing until the officer kept up with the suspect.

“He (suspect) ditched the bike and began running into the parking lot of the Bayview Thriftway. I told him multiple times to get on the ground. He did not listen to my commands,” the responding officer stated in the police report.

According to the responding officer, “He turned towards me and took what I perceived to be a fighting stance.” The officer believed that the suspect was going to fight from this and then eventually gained control of the suspect with him on the ground and put him in wrist restraints. The suspect had a laceration on his left eyebrow and Olympia Fire Department was called to provide aid to the subject. 

The suspect initially claimed that an unknown person had given him the bicycle just minutes earlier.

However, officers found glass shards on his shoes and beanie, along with burglary tools in his backpack.

Confronted with this evidence, the suspect admitted to breaking into the shop using a rock and stealing the bicycle.

“Jesse stated that he just wanted a bicycle because he was tired of walking around all the time. Jesse said that he was planning on keeping the bicycle for himself,” OPD reported on the suspect’s admission to the crime.

The suspect was booked into Thurston County Jail for commercial burglary and obstruction.

The stolen bicycle was returned to Trek Bicycle Olympia West, confirmed by its serial number.


3 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • Chappellg

    Jail, probation or the Court should refer him to any nonprofit organization that might provide a bicycle after completion of any court sentencing. That might deter further criminal activities. Unfortunately, I don’t know if any agencies might have the resources to provide a bike.

    Thursday, June 13 Report this

  • Boatyarddog

    That is a BS story.

    He could have stolen many bikes, without breaking into a bike store

    Friday, June 14 Report this

  • FirstOtter

    He didn't want a bicycle so he 'didn't have to walk'. He wanted something to steal so he could sell it for drugs. Do you have any idea how much one of those Trek bikes cost? The ones on sale Right now are $13000. Yes, that's thirteen with three zeros. I think it's insane for a bike to cost that much, but ...mister Bike Thief knew precisely how much he can get for a Trek bike.

    As one poster said, he could have stolen a bike off the happens all the time at SPSCC and Evergreen. No, that Trek bicycle was brand new.

    If he's tired of walking, he should get a job and a bus pass to get to work until he can afford that nice new bicycle.

    BUt I really think he should spend some time behind bars.

    Friday, June 14 Report this