She is a tiny woman who radiates love and joy. Her life is inspiring and she has thrived in her life, despite early devastation.
On Sunday, May 21, 2023, a ribbon-cutting event with about …
The fascination of Himalayan blue poppies
Anyone who has seen a Himalayan blue poppy remembers when they saw one for the first time: the sudden, stunned breath of wonder at the sight of this …
Next week is the beginning of an end. May is passing the fun to June. Let us take a peek at these wonderful local events.
Black Box Jazz: David Joyner and Jared Hall Quartet, Friday, May 26, 10 …
In September of 2022, 4 new library card designs were released in honor of “Library Card Sign-up Month”. This September, TRL plans to release 3 brand-new designs using the artwork of …
Editor's note: George is taking a week off. This was originally published June 9 , 2022 under the headline, " Three lesser-known bird species that are among the most interesting. "
By George Walter
I am sure you are aware; that this weekend is Memorial Day weekend, and while many of us will be celebrating with BBQ, boats, or beaches, I think it is important to take a moment to reflect on the …
Column By Mary Beth Harrington, CVA
The 2023 legislature's Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1791 (2023 ESHB1791) was set to continue the site search, with some better community involvement, better specificity as to excludable areas, and …
This year’s recipient of the Dispute Resolution Center’s (DRC) Evan Ferber Peacemaker Award is an Olympia Police Department (OPD) civilian staff person, Outreach Services …
By Shirley Stirling
Camas is blooming in Thurston County prairies this week, including prairie land on JBLM. It’s also blooming in the median of I-5 in Hawks Prairie.
This small blue flower is a hardy native …
The month of May is now closing its doors. Have you attended some local events this month? Now is your last chance to.
Art in the Parks Workshop: Photography in the Park, Saturday, May 20, …
Komachin students in Lacey exceed their March of Dimes donation goals, QR code sharing strategy used
The Komachin Middle School chapter of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) has raised $2,177.00 of its $500 goal starting in January 2023 for its national service partner, the March of Dimes. …
Submitted by: Marcus McLeod, Komachin Middle School student
It’s been so warm at night that I have left my bedroom’s sliding door open. As a result, I’ve been awakened at about 5:00 a.m. by singing birds (and wide-awake cats who think they …
How did you like the lightning and thunder show last night? I know that here in the PNW we don’t get storms like that very often (in Texas, we call that April and May), but the severity of the …
By Mary Beth Harrington, CVA
How were the first two weeks of May? Buckle up and skim through the upcoming events below.
Flag Book Workshop with Ray, Saturday, May 13, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Created by book artist Hedi Kyle, a flag …
Wow. A forecast for nearly 90 degrees on Mothers’ Day! Public opinion is divided about our heat wave, but tomato plants love it. And a lot of mothers love tomato plants.
Maybe your mother …
By Jill Severn
At Tuesday's Olympia City Council meeting, the Heritage Commission honored seven individuals, places, and local organizations that have contributed to the community's heritage.
Recipients of …
By Lorilyn Lirio
In recent weeks several readers have asked me to help them better identify the spring birds, and especially their songs. I suspect some of you have tried listening to the dawn chorus and been …
Dr. Thelma Jackson has been recognized as Lacey's 'Ken Balsley Historian of the Year' as a significant part of the city's history month this year.
Jackson has been recognized for her extensive …
By JC Medina
The West Olympia Timberland Library hosted a Grand Reopening Saturday, May 6. The library, which is located inside Capital Mall next to Van's store and the entrance nearest Total Wine, used the …
When I was the Director of Volunteers at the Dallas Public Library, I often heard, “so you’re a volunteer?” Those of us in the volunteer management profession hear this a lot. …
By Mary Beth Harrington, CVA