72 results total, viewing 41 - 60
Usually in The Daily JOLT newsletter's Thurston County Trivia department we tell you about fun and hallowed "Days" and other commemorations. You know, National Julienne Fries Day (this … more
It’s absolutely fascinating what’s happening to policing in our community resulting from the new state laws, and what our local jurisdictions are doing in response to new ideas, new … more
      being on the right side of history is not for sissies   Hikers are flooding our public … more
Washington state Rep. Jim Walsh (R-Aberdeen) recently made a mistake by misusing a symbol of the Holocaust -- wearing a yellow Star of David in protest of COVID-19 restrictions. It was apparently … more
It’s election season. Candidates have their websites up, signs are all over town, and we’re all trying to decide who will best represent our interests on the different councils and … more
Like many folks, I’ve long had an appreciation for Olympia’s downtown.  Just the fact that we have one is a big deal and a huge community benefit.  Fun small businesses, a … more
Michael Campbell of Lakewood recently made headlines by shooting a catalytic converter thief twice, dragging him behind a pickup truck, and leaving his body in a field 20 miles north of here. This story is more than sensationally gruesome, it is sad and wrong: more
What’s new in the world of homeless camps? The county commission took action on Tuesday, June 8 on a couple of significant items that continue the efforts to manage the … more
Evergreen. TESC. I grew up running on your fields, scoring in your hoops, lifting your weights, enjoying your Super Saturdays, and cavorting with your faculty’s kids.  I saw Nirvana, … more
When I started trying to learn about the homeless camps I was under the impression that little was being done.  My thoughts would be along the lines of “what the hell is going on, why … more
As many say lately, it's been a year.  In the case of The JOLT, it's been our first year.  What have we learned?  People around here care about trees, crime, whom to … more
When you read what's happening in Cortez, Colorado and then brush up on your knowledge of Olympia's Pizza Klatch, you'll see a contrast in culture and politics. And whatever you think of … more
I just don’t understand the reason for the level of suspicion and nastiness I see on social media when talking about political issues.  We’ve all watched how social discourse has … more
One hundred thirty thousand dollars. That’s what it takes for a down payment to buy an average-priced home in Bozeman, Montana. Then an aspiring homeowner must fork out another $3,000 each … more
It seems to me that there are two parts to getting anything done.  One, deciding what to do and two, doing it.   And deciding what to do is sometimes the harder part.  Do I go … more
You might be wondering what the new emphasis on crime stories is about. Several readers have asked. Three have UNSUBSCRIBED to The Daily JOLT newsletter -- and griped, too. [If you read to the … more
We seem to have entered a world view full of absolutes, strident, uncompromising, us vs. them with very little room in the middle for a nuanced discussion of complex issues.  This … more
I recently read A Promised Land by Barack Obama and learned that my perceptions of many of his actions had been based on lack of context and sparse information. He does an excellent job of explaining … more
Over the past few weeks, I’ve often wondered: When will I get vaccinated?  I’m not the only one with questions. As Washington continues to push through phases of the vaccine … more
 So many of us are talking about the condition of the homeless camps, especially the trash.  Let’s decide to clean and manage them better.  We’re a clever … more
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