Wheeler Avenue burglar wouldn't leave until he used the bathroom, resident says


Olympia Police Department (OPD) officers responded to a reported burglary in the 1100 block of Wheeler Avenue SE just before 5 p.m. on Friday, June 7.

The resident reported an unknown male intruder in his home who refused to leave.

Upon arrival, officers contacted the resident, who exited the house through the rear.

The front door had been unlocked when the suspect entered, and the resident told him to leave.

The resident stated he had armed himself with a hammer and retreated to a bedroom, adding that the intruder had threatened him, taken and eaten an apple, and said that he wouldn’t leave until after he had relieved himself.

“He stated the male subject threatened to kick his ass and kill him,” OPD responding officer stated after his interview with the resident, adding that the invader refused to leave until he went to the bathroom.

The intruder, identified as Jeffry Lee Sitton, was found inside the house and detained without incident.

“Initially I developed probable cause for trespass,” the officer stated in his report, “but due to OF/Sitton stealing and eating an apple that belonged to [the resident], it met the requirement for burglary 2nd.”

The officer corrected himself in that report and stated that it should have been a residential burglary.

The suspect was arrested and booked into Thurston County Jail on charges of residential burglary.


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  • FirstOtter

    One of these days Sitton...who will be released, sure as taxes, and will do it again, will find himself full of bullets.

    I don't care if he's homeless, or 'mentally disabled' or under the influence. He's a burglar, and they need to be behind bars.

    Saturday, June 22 Report this