'We deserve more' Thurston County staff call for just, liveable wage


On Tuesday the Thurston Board of County Commissioners' (BOCC) public meeting was unusually jam-packed as county staff flocked to call for a just and livable salary.

More than 20 county staff from various departments came forward during the public comment portion of the meeting to urge the board to review the staff's contracts as more employees leave due to low income.

"The county workers deserve more than how they're being treated," said Aaron Cole, adding that he represents the sentiments of over a thousand employees in the county.

Another staff member urged the BOCC to conduct its interviews with county employees and do its "fact-finding," claiming that some employees are worried about speaking up because they are afraid they will be punished.

"We talked about this organization with equality, but we don't feel that we're being treated equally," said Municipal Stormwater Inspector Paul Andrews, who has been working in Thurston for over 15 years.

Wage issues vs losing long-term employees

Leah Davis, who has been with the Thurston Community Planning and Economic Department for over eight years, said the county is losing valuable long-term employees due to wage issues. 

"Retention bonuses are a very small part of a strategy to keep fully trained, experienced, and valuable employees working for Thurston County," Davis said. "We are worth more."

Jeanette Hernandez from the county's prosecutor's office, said most of those who work at the government does not do it for the money, adding that in her case she works for "the value that it brings me to contribute to the community and contribute to justice."

A livable wage, enough ‘to live and work in this county’

But Hernandez lamented that at 30, her current wage won't allow her to buy a home, and she cannot even see it as a long-term goal because it feels "unreachable."

"What we want is a fair living wage," said Hernandez. "An increase that shows respect for the work that we provide every day to the citizens of the county."

Paralegal Alexis Cota said she has been in public service for 16 years because she finds her purpose in public service. She added that the staff is not asking for a huge pay hike but just enough to continue living in the county.

"Please give us a living wage so we can continue doing what we love and continue servicing our fellow community members," said Cota. "Give us a living wage so that we no longer have to worry about how we will pay next month's mortgage or rent. Let us continue to live and work in this county we proudly serve."

County Manager Ramiro Chavez said the county would continue to undergo the process of negotiations before bringing the contract to the BOCC.

Commissioner Carolina Mejia requested a follow-up meeting to discuss the concerns of the county staff. Chavez said he would schedule an executive session for this matter.


9 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • Claire

    They took the job, knowing the pay and benefits, plus COLA. Unfortunate that #Bidenflation is having a deleterious affect. There are other jobs in other municipalities. Don't like it? Move.

    Wednesday, June 14, 2023 Report this

  • TheVirtualOne

    The title of the article says it all. Unfortunately, no one deserves anything in our capitalist system - you have to work for and earn it. If you’re not happy with your salary you can do lots of things to improve your position in life: go back to school and get trained for a higher wage job that’s in demand, compete for job advancement opportunities in your area that pay more, cut your costs, which of course you can always do by moving as suggested above. I’ve done all those things myself and I have made it through the ups and downs of life, never complaining that I “deserve more”. Adapt and compete in the real world instead of complaining.

    Thursday, June 15, 2023 Report this

  • Coug66

    Government employees deserve fair compensation for the work they do. No more, or less, than their neighbors who work for the State, the cities or the area schools. It is up to the governing bodies to ensure their employees receive the prevailing rate for their work. How else will we attract good and loyal people to provide us, the taxpayers, with efficient and productive services. My question would be concerning the usefulness of the county's current mechanism for determining and setting fair salaries. Doesn't sound like it is working.

    Thursday, June 15, 2023 Report this

  • bonaro

    The previous comments are..."don't like it then move on".

    As a 30+ year employee of Thurston County I can say that this is exactly what is happening. Experienced and seasoned employees have been exiting Thurston County is waves over the last 5 years because wages, benefits and COLA's have not kept pace with the local standards.

    Yes, we are moving on but its bittersweet. Better pay is now found with the State, Cities and private but we have pride and ownership in working for The County for so long. The new employees hired to fill the gaps are lost with diminishing senior staff to train them and little interest from leadership in harvesting their institutional knowledge.

    The next 10 years at Thurston County will be interesting but apparently this is what they want.

    Thursday, June 15, 2023 Report this

  • Yeti1981

    I just did a job search and found an opening for Building Inspector II in the Thurston Community Planning and Economic Development Department. Baseline for that position is $31.98 per hour. The lowest paid opening at the county (full-time) I could find was $22.73 per hour for a "Court Assistant I." Not giving an opinion on whether these salaries are just or unjust. I'd say you can decide for yourself.

    Thursday, June 15, 2023 Report this

  • JamesBishop

    It is just a procedure as to which hog gets to the wage trough first. When management makes the big bucks and get to the trough first someone has to go without UNTIL the taxpayers are called upon to reload the trough and then the cycle repeats itself..

    Thursday, June 15, 2023 Report this

  • Public_Employee

    Citizens of Thurston County - We are Worth More and We are Moving On - You will be left with no one knowledgeable at your County offices and you will not be able to receive any sort of assistance that is reliable and/or helpful. Have fun with that!

    Thursday, June 15, 2023 Report this

  • ReasonAboveAll

    It's crazy how many terrible people there are that read this article.

    Everyone deserves a wage they can live on and should expect to keep their wage increases above cost of living increases.

    Get rid of tax breaks for people in the top 3% .

    There is a ton of money in our world. Enough for everyone to have a fair quality of life.

    If you don't believe in a basic quality of life. You are a terrible person.

    Thursday, June 15, 2023 Report this

  • Kruz81

    Want more pay? Get me more skills or education. People want to sit around and make great wages with nothing marketable to trade. Yes, Biden has not helped anyone but many of us don't get raises from a CBA and COLA. If you want to leave or quit stop threatening and do it. I'm betting you won't but will still whine. Most of you don't do half of what you are supposed to anyways.

    Thursday, June 15, 2023 Report this