Thurston County streamlines water resources advisory board


The Board of County Commissioners approved a resolution forming the water resources advisory board, which will replace the existing storm and surface water advisory board.

The county commissioners authorized the reorganization of the advisory board as part of its consent agenda on Tuesday, June 18.

Operations Manager Jeremy Davis explained that during the conversations for the county’s shoreline master plan update, the county commissioners decided to allow for an advisory board for water resource issues related to aquaculture and seal level. Davis also said that changes to the advisory board are being made as the number of districts in the county has increased from three to five.

Members of the existing board will be re-apportioned based on the new rules that they must follow to be appointed.

Two members may be nominated for each county district, but they may live anywhere. Two at-large members who are either residents or property owners may also get nominated for the advisory board.

The maximum number of board members will increase from nine to 12. New members must be nominated by the county commissioners.

The existing board was created in 1990 to involve the public in determining utility rates better. The board has been doing more work outside its original scope since then, so the resolution reflects its newer duties.

According to documents prepared for the county board meeting, the advisory board has been hosting Stream Team events, managing an annual stormwater utility rate newsletter called the Splash, and organizing educational workshops.

The updated policy states that moving forward, the board will also advise the county on anything related to its water resources, such as providing guidance on implementing the shoreline master plan and on matters relating to water resources planning and assessment.

The county’s community planning and economic development department will also work closely with the board to develop its annual work plan.

The current board members will be reappointed on July 1, before they hold their first tentative meeting in September.


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