Religious argument turns sour as suspect allegedly pokes officer on the nose


Olympia police arrested a man for allegedly assaulting officers responding to a report involving him and a woman arguing about “false religions and other differing opinions.”

On June 10, at past noon, officers from the Olympia Police Department (OPD) responded to a disturbance at the Thurston County Food Bank on 220 Thurston Avenue NE.

According to the police report, a heated argument between a male and a female occurred outside the building, prompting multiple calls from staff and people in line.

Upon arrival, officers spoke with the woman, who explained that she and the male were arguing about religious differences.

She noted that the male, holding a large metal foot scooter, had raised it “in a defensive position” did not strike her. She had walked away to avoid his aggressive behavior.

When approached by the responding officers, the man appeared animated and upset and “appeared to occasionally loudly rant about the female weaponizing her sexuality,” as well as “being attacked by the system.” The officer observed that the man was not always making sense, "which led me to believe he might be in some type of crisis.”

Food bank staff offered both individuals with alternative food options but informed the two that they were barred from entering the facility.

This decision further angered the suspect, who began shouting and blaming the responding officers for his removal.

When the police officer tried to calm him down, he "began shouting and yelling and pointing his left hand and finger aggressively toward me as he called me "part of the problem".”

The male then “aggressively poked me in the tip of my nose with his left index finger, while again saying, "You’re part of the problem.” The officer stated that it was believed that the man “did this in an attempt to prove a point.”

The officer took hold of the man's “left wrist and hand in order to prevent further assault,” the responding officer stated in the police report.

The officer then arrested the man, who told the authorities, “I hope you go to hell.”

He was transported to Thurston County Jail and booked for third-degree assault.


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