Red Flag Warning - Hot and dry weather creates fire hazard conditions for Thurston County


Red Flag Warning issued September 5 at 2:23PM PDT until September 7 at 12:00AM PDT by NWS Seattle WA
The National Weather Service in Seattle has issued a Red Flag
Warning for hot, dry and unstable conditions, which is in effect
from 1 PM Tuesday to midnight PDT Tuesday night. The Fire Weather
Watch is no longer in effect.

* AFFECTED AREA...Fire Weather Zone 658 West Slopes of the North
Cascades Generally above 1500 Feet and Fire Weather Zone 659
West Slopes of the Central Cascades Generally above 1500 Feet.

* RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 20-25 percent.

* TEMPERATURES...In the 70s and 80s.

* HAINES...Mid-level Haines of 6 or high.

* IMPACTS...A dry and unstable air mass with warm temperatures can
contribute to active fire behavior. In western Washington,
significant growth on existing fires takes place under such
conditions. If a fire were to begin, air quality may diminish in
the surrounding area.
A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions
are either imminent or occurring now. Any fires that develop will
likely spread quickly. Outdoor burning is not recommended.

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