Percival Plinth People’s Choice voting closes soon 


Olympia reminds community members that voting for this year’s Percival Plinth sculptures ends in a week. 

The city’s social media announced that Tuesday, July 30 is the deadline for choosing the People’s Choice award, which determines which sculpture the city will purchase. 

“Each year, the Percival Plinth Project hosts a new selection of loaned sculpture by local and regional artists on Percival Landing, the city explained on its website. “A community vote is held and the sculpture with the most votes is added to the City public art collection on display throughout Olympia.” 

Olympia will buy the sculpture that receives the most votes. It will be displayed in City Hall for a year and then moved to another location within the city, usually in a city park. 

“Participating artists include Dan Brown, Aisha Harrison, Eileen Lagasse, William Lenker, Ed McCarthy, uckiood, Robin Momii, Steven Nagode, Kyle Ocean, Nathan Robles, Jennifer Strassel, Karen Sixkiller, Mark Twain Stevenson, Ken Turner, and MacRae Wylde,” the city noted. 

Community members may see the pieces using this map. Voting is limited to one per person only. 

“Sculpture not awarded the People's Prize is available for purchase at the completion of its exhibition,” Olympia noted in another city website. “Please contact the artist directly for purchase inquiries.” 

Last year’s Percival Plinth People’s Choice winners were"Salmon Romance" by Pat McVay and "Underwater Disagreement" by Eileen Lagasse. It was also the first time the contest had a tie. 

To see photos of the individual sculptures, see the related article


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  • JulesJames

    Voted for Clara. I like my public art to inspire a smile.

    Wednesday, July 24 Report this