Overwhelmed in Lacey


Dear Lexis,

I’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately and wanted to know what advice you might have that could help.


- Anonymous from Lacey

Dear Anonymous,

I certainly can relate, especially lately, and the number one thing that helps me is just remembering to take a breath. We undervalue the benefits of deep breaths, but they can do wonders to help bring you back into a state of balance. One deep breath in can be like a reset button on your day if you let it. 

But, deep breaths don’t solve every problem, so here are a few additional suggestions that can help you find a sense of relief. 

  1. Turn off electronics

Something that I’ve been realizing lately is that TV actually adds to my sense of stress at times. Generally, this occurs most often when I’m trying to work or take care of Izzy. At a certain point, you just can’t take any more input, so your TV can quickly become your enemy when you are feeling overwhelmed. 

By turning off the electronics, you’re reducing the stimuli in your life. This one simple change could be enough to provide you with the needed processing power to move past the struggle. 

  1. Go outside

While commonly discussed as a method of self-care, going outside has another benefit, you don’t associate it with work. Now, there may be exceptions to this, but for the average person, work happens inside, so heading out the door for a few minutes could rapidly reduce your sense of overwhelm. 

You can go a bit hippier too, if you want, and spend some time outdoors with your shoes off, but just getting out, getting some fresh air, and taking a second to appreciate the blue sky, the green leaves, or even that it pretty much never rains inside a building, could bring you into a better mental state. 

Couple the outdoors with a few of those powerful deep breaths and you’ll likely feel better in no time. 

  1. “This too shall pass” 

The story of King Solomon’s ring has always been something that I find interesting. And while the story talks more about the realization that both the good and bad times will pass eventually, it’s the latter part that helps when overwhelmed. 

This moment, this struggle, will pass eventually, and you’ll likely make it through just fine. How do I know? Because you’ve survived every struggle you’ve faced up until now, the odds are in your favor. 

And while the concept of this struggle eventually passing may not exactly provide relief, it can bolster you enough to keep pushing forward despite the pain. 

No one can guarantee that any solution will work, but these methods have certainly been helpful to me. Life gets challenging sometimes, but you have the strength to handle it, we all do. So, keep your head up, try these suggestions, and see what happens from there. 

I wish you luck and ease. 

~ Lexis

Lexis is Alexis Rae Baker. She writes from her home in Olympia.  Got a question about life, relationships, spirit? Visit her at or write to Lexis at 

EDITOR'S NOTE:  The opinions expressed above are those of Alexis Rae Baker and not necessarily of The JOLT or its staff or board of directors. Alexis Rae Baker is not a licensed psychologist or specialist healthcare professional. Her advice does not replace the care of psychologists or other healthcare professionals


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  • AugieH

    Since "Anonymous from Lacey" shares no specific reasons for feeling overwhelmed, the specificity of your suggestions is based on complete ignorance of the individual's situation.

    Tuesday, May 9, 2023 Report this