Olympia Arts Commission approves design for public art at Grass Lake Nature Park

Local artist Abe Singer’s “Recomposing” artwork to repurpose steel water tanks


The Olympia Arts Commission approved project artist Abe Singer’s final design for the art to be installed at Grass Lake Nature Park.

Singer has participated in a community meeting with students from the neighborhood middle school, a concept plan presentation with the Olympia Arts Commission, and the city council for consideration of the concept design. See related stories

The city council approved the Grass Lake Nature Park Public Art concept design on April 16.

Singer worked with city staff to finalize his design, and the final details were presented to the Arts Commission for final approval yesterday, May 9, 2024.


At 195.71 acres, the Grass Lake Nature Park contains the headwaters of Green Cove Creek. More than 100 bird and 200 plant species have been recorded in the park, as stated in the staff report.

Singer’s art installation centers around a 10 feet by 23 feet mild steel water tank (3/8 inches thick) on the park property to be repurposed for three sculptural elements to be sited in the park:

  • One bird blind (approx. 6 feet by 10 feet) along the boardwalk for viewing of the birds without being seen by them.
  • Two entry elements sited at the entrances to the park along Harrison Avenue and Kaiser Road, welcoming visitors to the park and continuing the use of the steel tank material as a theme throughout the park.

“That is so fun for me. I like that. I like people who actually can appreciate it and aren't just like rolling their eyes while I'm talking about that stuff,” said Singer after the commission commended his efforts.

The staff report also highlighted that the artist’s reuse of the steel tank will have several benefits, such as redirecting salvage material for creative reuse and offering a deeper connection to the site's recent history.

The budget for the artwork is $32,000 from the Municipal Art Fund.


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  • mtndancer

    So how come we only see the title page of the sculptor's power point, and not any image of the planned sculpture? I don't see the point of including with this article an image that says nothing.

    Monday, May 13 Report this