Olympia approves interlocal regional climate projects for energy efficiency and electrification


The Olympia City Council voted to approve an interlocal agreement with Thurston County, Lacey, and Tumwater to support two regional initiatives under the 2024 Thurston Climate Mitigation Collaborative (TCMC).

At the city council meeting on Tuesday, Olympia Climate Program Director Dr. Pamela Braff outlined two proposed regional initiatives for 2024 that the TCMC Executive Committee approved. The council hopes to develop both these items for implementation in 2025.

The initiatives are:

Design a Residential Energy Efficiency and Electrification campaign (also called EEE or E3 campaign) – the goal is to build on existing programs like Energize Olympia with the heat pump purchase campaign and make it available region-wide. It would provide services like energy audits, weatherization, and incentives region-wide. Braff said an accompanying web tool and advisory service launching this year will help residents find contractors and compare options.

Develop a Home Energy Score Model Ordinance (HES Policy) – the HES Policy will be a regionally consistent policy for assessing and disclosing residential energy performance ratings. Braff said this would provide standardized information to homeowners and buyers on a property's energy performance, expected energy costs, and recommendations for cost-effective improvements to reduce energy use and costs.

According to the terms of the agreement, Olympia will serve as the contract manager for the selected 2024 regional initiatives. The city will handle all contracting responsibilities with any external organizations involved in implementation. Olympia is responsible for ensuring contracting processes comply with relevant laws governing municipal agreements for the services addressed by the initiatives.

Olympia will monitor any contractors involved in supporting the regional initiatives and be responsible for taking appropriate action to ensure compliance with the fiscal conditions of the contract.

The city will also dedicate a staff member to co-manage the E3 campaign initiative focused on energy efficiency and electrification.

Braff recounted that in 2023, these jurisdictions adopted an interlocal agreement establishing the TCMC framework. The agreement sets expectations for how the partner jurisdictions collaborate through TCMC to implement regional climate mitigation actions. That includes an annual process of selecting initiatives to advance in a coordinated manner across jurisdictions.


4 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • Southsoundguy

    Waste, fraud, and abuse.

    Thursday, February 15, 2024 Report this

  • Deanima

    SS Guy is a boorish dope.

    Friday, February 16, 2024 Report this

  • Southsoundguy


    Expected liberal response. No reason, just emotional resentment. I suggest you review co2 absorption spectrum saturation and logarithmic relationships. Your worldview is killing civilization. But since you’re a boomer liberal, I guess that absolves you from caring.

    Saturday, February 17, 2024 Report this

  • LauratheBruce

    First of all, you can't mitigate climate, unless you're talking of weather control - which is a reality, if the thousands of patents tell you anything. We need to respect the natural processes of the Earth and adjust the way we live if we expect to survive. Creating more committees to help figure out how we can continue to pay the ceos and stock-holders their preferred salaries thru more taxation and penalties is mafia tactics. No one wins except the criminals, and our children are given a retarded view of the world they are inheriting.

    The electrification of everything is also an insane idea, given the infrastructure that has been created. It can barely hold up under the least act of nature. In the name of 'sustainability', there are those who want all of our energy in one basket. It stream-lines control.

    Sunday, February 18, 2024 Report this