More military veterans and active duty service members are dying by suicide than in battle – understanding why can help with prevention

Active duty service members and veterans experience unique stresses that can lead to suicide.



3 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • Duffish

    Thank you for publishing this important information on the plight of many veterans. It is important that care givers know what triggers suicide and other issues suffered by our brave men and women.

    Tuesday, May 28 Report this

  • Southsoundguy

    It is because they are constantly told they are traumatized and victims. PTSD is largely a myth.

    Tuesday, May 28 Report this

  • Terrilovesanimals

    I agree it's serious, but MORE than in combat? Maybe there are other issues involved, like home life, cheating spouse, etc. and military service shouldn't be blamed. We are a large military family and grandfathers, uncles, father and dau all served and were involved in scary battles but no ptsd. Faith and keeping busy! Sad that they now use that ptsd for so many other things... mostly for benefits.

    Tuesday, May 28 Report this

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