Lacey Food Truck Depot burglarized by two juveniles in the night


Two juveniles were arrested on the night of June 18 following a series of burglaries at the Lacey Food Truck Depot, according to a Lacey Police Department (LPD) news release.

The incident began when an LPD officer on patrol encountered a youth on probation who was out past his curfew. 

The officer instructed the teen and his friend to go home.

Shortly after, the officer responded to a call about burglaries at the Lacey Food Truck Depot, where a coffee stand and four food trucks had been broken into.

Surveillance footage reviewed at the scene revealed that the suspects were the same boys the patrol officer had just sent home.

Officers arrived at the suspect’s home, where they were found wearing the same clothing as in the video footage,” LPD stated, and a search revealed stolen money and sodas from the businesses.

Due to laws regarding the questioning of minors, the suspects were not interrogated.

While being transported to Juvenile Detention, the boys were advised that they were on camera, they talked with each other about committing the burglary and disclosed that most of the stolen money was hidden "under the stairs."

Officers retrieved the remaining money from the residence after the admission and returned it to the business owners.

The two juveniles were charged with five counts of burglary, five counts of malicious mischief, and four counts of theft. 

 LPD asked the public to be patient with the burglarized food trucks as they are repairing the damages, stating, “business owners were dealing with broken doors and windows, broken and scattered tills and shards of glass. Please have patience with them while they do the necessary repairs to get their businesses back up and running!”


4 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • FirstOtter

    And the parents of these thieves are where? Punk boy is out past curfew, parents have no idea? Or were the parents even home?

    Yes,it'spossible that everyone went to bed at 9 and then punk boys slipped out to commit crimes. Obviously, probation isn't working, and I'm certain once the punk is back in juvie, he'll merely pick up new tricks of the trade.

    There doesn't seem to be an answer to how to control these punks. Some people are just born bad, no matter what the parent(s) try to do to reach through.

    In our grandparents day, a solid thumping often was the only way to get through to a punk. The bleeding hearts of the country say that violence is not the answer. But sometimes it is.

    Wednesday, June 19 Report this

  • olyhiker

    It looks to me like juveniles can commit whatever crime they want and the police can't even question them. Crazy law.

    Thursday, June 20 Report this

  • Boatyarddog


    Geeez, when were you born?

    That went out in the 70s.

    Making Reparations or" fixing" the damage done somehow is whats done now.

    Juvi will probably be a bad experience.

    And they may even pick up moe " bad" habits.

    Friday, June 21 Report this

  • Boatyarddog

    And the "bleeding hearts" are the same people as you or I, "bleeding hearts" are considerably more civilized types of people...we don't give up.

    Friday, June 21 Report this