Lacey continues clean-up of new museum project site


The Lacey Historical Commission said it is continuing the clean-up program for the project site of the future Lacey Museum and Cultural Center.

During the commission’s meeting April 20, Parks and Recreation Director Jennifer Burbidge presented updated photos of the site and described how clearing operations continue in the area.

“The good news is that we’re still on the budget,” Burbidge said. “We’re not done yet, but it’s really looking good at this point.”

Burbidge reported that the footings and foundations of the abandoned building on the site were already removed while clearing operations for leftover concrete from old parking lots are ongoing.

The clearing operations are part of the project’s Phase 3, which is the pre-development stage of the project site as a preparation for construction.

Lacey partnered with the State of Washington Department of Ecology for a “Voluntary Cleanup Program” at the project site in July 2021,

One of Lacey’s long-term goals, the new museum project, has been in development for more than a decade. It was added to the Capital Facilities Plan and approved by the City Council in 2010.

According to the newly launched Lacey Parks and Recreation website, the new museum will provide “vitality” to the city’s new Depot District, close to the “historically rich and significant” Saint Martin’s University.


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  • wildnature

    I hope the new Lacey Museum includes informational coverage of the Native Americans that were displaced when Lacey came into being. Along with the history of Lacey immigrants. I have been to the present museum, about 6 years ago, and was disappointed to find no mention of what went before Lacey was Lacey. I was told the museum was only about Lacey. Please consult the Tribes and acknowledge them in Lacey's history. Lacey didn't happen without Their land. Thank you.

    Jean Shaffer

    Friday, April 22, 2022 Report this