Lacey Commissioners 'appalled’ by hateful comments during Equity meeting


The Lacey Commission on Equity has become the latest victim of ‘zoombombing’ as a group of individuals targeted the public comment section of its meeting.

During its March 25 session, several individuals hurled false and hateful remarks toward immigrants and other sectors of society, prompting Chair Annie Clay to intervene.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, zoombombing is “the act of someone taking part in a video conference to which they have not been invited, often with the intention of interrupting and annoying the people in the meeting.”

It also adds that the act is a kind of virtual gatecrashing that has been used to spread harassment and hate speech and has become a serious problem during the pandemic.

Clay asserted that while the public can express their opinions, the commission retains the authority to halt inappropriate language.

“We work to make this an inclusive community,” said Clay. “We are celebrating diversity.”

Historian and Commissioner Thelma Jackson appreciated Clay’s prompt action in stopping the zoombombers from hijacking the commission’s meeting.

“The work of this commission is more important than ever,” said Jackson. “We are in the midst of that kind of hatred, racism and antisemitism. It's spooky, it's scary and it's always been here, but it's getting bold, so our work is more important than ever.”

Commissioner Makieda Hart said the comments were appalling and she wanted to “lash back.”

“Literally, diversity, inclusion and equity do not include hatred and rage,” said Hart. “I also find that if we don't start being a little bit nicer to each other and a little bit more considerate of others then we're going to lose our country, the country that wasn't ours to begin.”

“You need to also keep the history into consideration while you're looking at some of the things that you are looking at,” she added.

Moving forward, Lacey Assistant City Manager Shannon Kelley-Fong suggested using pre-registration for public comment in future meetings.

Lacey Commission on Equity's March 26 meeting was attacked by "zoombombers" who left hateful and racist comments.
Lacey Commission on Equity's March 26 meeting was attacked by "zoombombers" who left hateful and racist comments.


12 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here


    Sadly there is a political agenda behind this outrageous behavior that is sweeping the country.

    Tuesday, March 26, 2024 Report this

  • JulesJames

    Pre-registration to submit formal testimony to a government entity is healthy as the standard for all meeting formats. In person testimony as well as remote. Those signed-up to testify should be part of the meeting record. Its from public testimony microphones new civic leaders are vetted by their peers. We need to find them after impressing us with their public presence. That is will thwart the Russian-Chinese bots trying to sew discord among Americans is the short-term benefit.

    Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Report this

  • USA_Ronin

    Well, in the Age of Floyd, the Lacey City Council stated the Lacey community is racist and that's why we need all this equity nonsense. I didn't see the Zoom meeting but I'm hardly surprised that people are fed up and "lash out" as Hart wanted to do.

    As with Olympia and Seattle who see themselves as "sanctuary cities", I'm sure our governing council also sees Lacey as a sanctuary city for illegal aliens. In that spirit, I'll be contacting our southern border states and requesting they bring as many illegal aliens as they can to our Lacey. Hey, we're tolerant. We're inclusive. We have the infrastructure as hospitals, clinics ambulance services, police, hotels *** squatters havens, narcan, etc, to handle all the illegal aliens coming our way.

    As I see in New York City, Chicago, and elsewhere, everyone wants to be a sanctuary city until it's time to do sanctuary city stuff. lol

    Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Report this

  • Yeti1981

    Unfortunately, this isn't surprising. You just need to keep pushing forward and do the work you believe in. There will always be bigots and haters, but they only have the power you give them.

    Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Report this

  • Boatyarddog

    Any hateful or racist comments or commentary should be grounds for immediate dismissal of the caller.

    This is a private meeting and no " free speech rules apply.

    Be respectful or you cannot comment.

    Simple rules.

    Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Report this

  • USA_Ronin

    I'm not going to comment specifically on what was or wasn't said. I sure wish I did now.

    Anyway, my understanding is that the forum was a public one and not a "private meeting". That was the point wasn't it... to be public?

    Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Report this

  • Boatyarddog

    "Equity Nonsense"

    Is another Term like "Treehugger"

    And "Emotional"

    GASLIGHTING is its Purpose.

    It is Demeaning to All.

    Whether Private or Public, It is not Appropriate Behavior and NO PROTECTIVE Rights should be assigned to it.

    Cut them off.

    Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Report this

  • JKRector

    Marianne Williamson’s wise words came to mind as I read this article:

    Hate has…

    Greed has…

    Liars have…

    talked so loudly for so long…

    Love has got to stop whispering.

    Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Report this

  • Southsoundguy

    What was actually said?

    Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Report this

  • ejpoleii

    For those interested, here is the link to the video.

    Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Report this

  • Southsoundguy

    Their statements check out.

    Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Report this

  • HarveysMom

    I'm with JulesJames, JKRector and Marianne Williamson.

    These are public meetings, a matter of record and sign ins are normal in person, right? People are on record! Not just the elected ones, but all of the speakers. If people were not able to be virtually anonymous, they would not choose to behave like this, knowing their peers could react. Noisy cowards, those anonymous nasty people.

    I just want to add--It's not the bots from Russia/China that concern me. I am concerned it's my actual home-grown neighbors who are promoting not only incivility and insult, but also exhibiting nasty behavior to their neighbors. Are some of our own citizens promoting discord? Yes, and we all know it. Fortunately we also know who you are, really. Bots indeed.

    Too bad us nice people are whispering, but even quietly, we're judging and voting for other nice people.

    Friday, May 10, 2024 Report this