Joint Base Lewis-McChord honors its fallen soldiers 


The English philosopher G.K. Chesterton once pointed out that courage is an apparent oxymoron, that it means “to live taking the form of a readiness to die.” 

This sense of courage was remembered this past Thursday afternoon when 1st Brigade, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division held its annual Memorial Day Remembrance at Memorial Park on Joint Base Lewis-McChord. 

Originally called Decoration Day, it was formalized by a “Memorial Day Order” issues by Grand Army of the Republic Commander-in-Chief John A. Logan in 1868. Since then, it has been recognized on the last Monday in May in order “to observe Memorial Day by praying, according to their individual religious faith, for permanent peace.” 

About 200 soldiers, veterans, members of the Patriots’ Guard and civilians attended the event. 

Colonel Kwentin Kuhlman, the brigade’s commander, related how Sergeant Jacob Herring, Charlie Company, 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment stayed with his fellow soldiers after having been wounded. 

“He was wounded in December 2003 and could have come home,” related Kuhlman. “But he didn’t; he remained with his unit.”  Sergeant Herring was killed in action on April 28, 2004. 

He then cited the English statesman Edmund Burke who said the evil triumphs only when good men do nothing. 

“The memorials in this park at dotted with the names of the men and women who were determined that good would overcome evil,” concluded Kuhlman. 

“Let us honor their memory and each live lives worthy of their sacrifices.” 


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  • Terrilovesanimals

    Thank you for sharing this and about Sergeant Herring. God bless him! And God bless all of our fallen soldiers and those living now having served or are serving!

    Sunday, May 26 Report this