Intercity Transit reports rise in paratransit service use


Intercity Transit (IT) recorded a slight year-over-year increase in the usage of its Dial-a-lift services, according to a report by Dial-A-Lift Manager Kevin Karkoski.

Dial-a-lift is a transportation service mandated by the federal government for people with disabilities. The service provides shared, door-to-door transportation to and from locations within three-fourths of a mile from the service area of fixed-route buses.

Karkoski told the agency’s board of directors on Wednesday, June 5, that the service was used for 134,032 trips in 2023, higher than 5% from the previous year. Calls made to IT to acquire the service totaled 77,152, higher than 12% year-over-year.

Karkoski added that IT’s dial-a-lift service has an on-time performance of 96% with 95% of customers rating the service as satisfactory. The manager noted that their on-time performance has even increased to 99% since they switched to a new scheduling application provided by Via Mobility in October 2023.

Dial-a-lift is available for passengers whose disabilities prevent them from traveling to a bus station. Passengers may also qualify if the bus ramp cannot be safely deployed at their bus stop.

The manager said that those who apply for the service may qualify through varying degrees of eligibility. Out of the 1,858 completed applications made in 2023, 55% qualified for full eligibility. Passengers with full eligibility may call for a dial-a-lift van to travel anywhere within the service area. The availability of the vans depends on the schedule of the fixed-route buses operating at a nearby bus stop.

Twenty-six percent qualified for temporary eligibility, while 14% qualified for conditional eligibility, which is for ambulatory passengers who are unable to travel to certain bus stops.

Only 5% of the applications were deemed ineligible, which Karkoski noted was consistent with the past four years. The manager mentioned that there is an appeal process for those whose applications were not approved.

Karkoski also shared updates about IT’ Bud Buddy program, which allows passengers to receive companion support from other experienced bus riders. The agency served 214 clients through the program in 2023.

Passengers may also participate in organized groups through the program. The agency held 28 group trips last year.

Karkoski mentioned the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration recognized IT’s Bus Buddy program as “the most successful Bus Buddy Program in the United States."


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