Traffic Advisory 

Harrison Ave and Olympic Way traffic disruptions tomorrow in Olympia for paving project 


Beginning Thursday, July 11, the City of Olympia will commence chip sealing activities to restore and extend the life of the pavement on Harrison Avenue and Olympic Way.  

The project is scheduled to take place from July 11 to July 12. 

Travelers should expect lane restrictions and traffic delays and are encouraged to use alternate routes when possible.  

Flaggers will be present to guide motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists through the construction zones.  

Access to driveways may be temporarily disrupted during the chip-sealing process. 

The affected streets include Harrison Avenue from Cooper Point Road to Division Street and Olympic Way from Harrison Avenue to the 4th/5th Avenue roundabout. 

The chip sealing schedule will depend on weather conditions and other factors. 


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  • Boatyarddog

    Yup, sat in traffic for 20 min. Right at the Macdonalds.

    Thursday, July 11 Report this