Felon arrested with multiple charges after alleged Kia Sportage theft


On July 21, sheriff's deputies arrested two suspects, including Lonell Eugene Cooper, 31, of Lacey, a felon, who are suspected of the theft of a Kia Sportage in the Lacey area. 

According to the Thurston County Sheriff’s Office post, the pursuit began when law enforcement attempted to locate the stolen vehicle.  

The vehicle was spotted, and authorities spiked its tires, but the driver fled. 

TCSO units were able to locate the vehicle by following the score in the asphalt from the rims of the vehicle,” TCSO stated in the report. 

Cooper and the other suspect were found walking, trying to escape from the stolen vehicle. 

While the passenger surrendered immediately, the driver attempted to flee on foot but was apprehended after a short chase. 

A stolen handgun from Tacoma, narcotics, and stolen license plates were recovered,” TCSO reported. 

The driver was transported to the Thurston County jail and booked on multiple charges, including driving under the influence (DUI), attempting to elude law enforcement, possession of a stolen vehicle, possession of a stolen firearm, felon in possession of a firearm, unlawful possession of a controlled substance, and a felony warrant out of Kitsap County for possession of a stolen car. 


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  • FirstOtter

    Any bets he's already been released? And again, in the meantime, the owner of the stolen KIA is out a vehicle. IF it's not been totaled, it is probably in the impound lot and the owner will be probably be dinged for storage fees. And I'm sure he or she isn't going to be restituted. Nope, Mr. Cooper is probably already free on bond and will of course fail to meet his court date.

    WHY don't we keep these felons locked up? ""Rehabilitation" is just a word the bleeding hearts use. The only thing these criminals learn is new skills in theft, vandalism, burglary, assault and murder when they're released. Oh, yeah and that they have "rights' that we victims of their crimes don't. For instance, if you catch someone breaking into your house, if he's not IN the house and if you hold him at gunpoint, YOU are going to be cited, and maybe go to jail...and he'll walk. If you don't have a locked gate and No Trespassing signs posted, it's not burglary or trespassing.

    Thursday, July 25 Report this