Commissioners clash on rezoning proposals under Grand Mound Subarea Plan Update


Commissioner Tye Menser and Commissioner Gary Edwards got into an argument about the rezoning proposals included in the Grand Mound Subarea Plan Update at the briefing last Monday, September 25, 2023.

The topic was the proposed rezoning of the Steelhammer Land across from the Great Wolf Lodge from Residential to Arterial Commercial.

Commissioner Tye Menser said he is leaning towards a ”yes” but has yet to hear a “compelling argument” on why the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) should approve the request of the owners to rezone the area.

“I don't take zoning changes lightly because as we've seen… people make decisions and investments based on zoning changes,” said Menser. “The zoning schemes and the changes should have a really good reason and need before you start undoing zoning decisions that have been relied upon by the surrounding community at large.”

However, Commissioner Gary Edwards said the county was doing an injustice to the landowners if it will not grant the request, which has been pending for the past 12 years.

Excerpt from Thurston County YouTube channel
Commissioners Tye Menser and Commissioner Gary Edwards debating on the Grand Mound rezoning proposals.

“We are de facto taking value from the property owners by not adjusting the zoning,” argued Edwards. “I think we better get with it and go ahead and change the zoning.”

“I have to set the record straight, there is no taking of someone's property by not granting their requested zoning change,” replied Menser

Edwards said even if it’s not “taking,” it’s “damaging.”

Menser asked for an executive session when the disagreement heated up, but Edwards said there was no need for it.

Edwards also mentioned the possibility of the owners selling the land to the tribe if they will get tired of waiting for the approval of the rezoning request. The briefing was a follow-up to the public hearing last week, where residents voiced various opinions on the proposed Grand Mound Subarea Plan Update.

One of the residents who came forward during the public hearing was the son of the owner of the Steelhammer land.

Gregory Steelhammer said his parents initiated the call to rezone their parcel to become commercial land nearly 12 years ago but nothing has happened since then. Steelhammer, however, did not mention any plans to sell the land to the tribe..

Thurston County Senior Planner Maya Teeples said the staff received five public comments opposing the Steelhammer Land rezone and one comment in favor of it.

“Most of the comments that were in opposition were regarding the historic area and some of the historic structures that are to the south of the property and a long-term vision for a park and open space in that area,” said Teeples.

Teeples said a park typically requires an agreement between the private land owner and some nonprofit organization or the county, “unless we have a willing party to participate it's really hard,” she added.

The BOCC was not able to discuss other rezoning requests which include the Fire District, Tribal Trust Lands and Morgan Dental Land.

Commissioner Carolina Mejia requested another briefing where the staff would provide additional information and data to back the proposed rezoning requests.


6 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • Claire

    Once again, government has too much control over private land owners. Can you say Mazama Pocket Gopher?

    Thursday, October 5, 2023 Report this

  • Yeti1981

    If you want to control what happens on someone else's property, you should offer them fair compensation and buy the land yourself.

    Thursday, October 5, 2023 Report this

  • TonyW33

    Establishment of zoning on land is a normal function of government. I personally support the need for governance instead of some form of anarchy. The discussion is correctly framed by issues of land use, not whether or not government by the people's elected representatives should exercise the authority that they are granted by our laws. It seems apparent that Gary Edwards has a connection to the folks directly involved here. Tye Menser also seems a bit too close to this one. Maybe they should put this issue of till off early 2024 and have some fresh eyes look at it.

    Thursday, October 5, 2023 Report this

  • Southsoundguy

    Tony, there is an entire body of law built up over 1000 years to help people manage ownership of land. Zoning did not become a thing until the 1920s. It is a method of stripping people of power and placing it in the hands of government. The notion that eliminating zoning laws would lead to anarchy is a trope that ensures the government will always define value. In short, democratic government control of land is evil.

    Thursday, October 5, 2023 Report this

  • JulesJames

    Sure wish the article included a map of the parcels in question.

    Friday, October 6, 2023 Report this

  • Yeti1981

    Also, I appreciate the confidence Tye has in his understanding of takings law. However, one need only look it up to see that it isn't as black and white as he is suggesting. Bottom line is that it is not entirely true that a rezone denial is never considered a taking. There are many factors that would impact that determination.

    Friday, October 6, 2023 Report this