American Legion Band turns 100


Did you know that Olympia is home to the oldest state-level American Legion Band in the USA, which has won local and national awards, including over 40 trophies? It formed as an American Legion post-level band in 1924 and was designated the state band in 1987. Its official name is now the Department of Washington American Legion Band. It is a unique concert band dedicated to free performances for both the Legion and the public.

Last night, they presented their annual Independence Day concert for the residents and guests at Patriots’ Landing, complete with fireworks sponsored by Patriots’ Landing and the City of DuPont. Watch an excerpt from their June 9, 2024, Raymond Theatre performance,  including the US National March, The Stars and Stripes Forever by John Philip Sousa, now over 125 years old. Watch a full concert: Post 17 spaghetti feed and concert in Centralia.

The Boston Pops of Puget Sound

“My goal, as musical director,” commented Kevin Robertson, “is to make the Legion Band the "Boston Pops" of the Puget Sound region. Fun, ‘pseudo-classical’ in terms of ensemble, music that people can relate to and connect with easily. We believe music should be accessible to everyone.”

The Pops model

Kevin explains that, since the early 1940s, the most successful "classical" organization, in terms of profits, audience, and record sales, is "The Boston Pops" with:

  • movie soundtrack music
  • Broadway musical music
  • Americana
  • Patriotic stuff
  • novelty pieces
  • an occasional "light" classical piece

“No ensemble in the Puget Sound area is trying the Boston Pops' proven model for success,” he explains, “Well, except for the Legion Band.”

French horns of the Department of Washington American Legion Band.
French horns of the Department of Washington American Legion Band.

Special songs this year

 “In this year's repertoire, we have a really fun version of ‘The Bare Necessities,’ from the Disney movie ‘The Jungle Book’.” Other songs this year include music from the Bond movies and Raiders of the Lost Ark. He also loves Marvel Universe themes, movie soundtracks, Broadway show tunes, big band medleys, marches, light classical, and, of course, patriotic songs, as the group is dedicated to US veterans.

The band of American Legion Alfred William Leach Post No. 3, with a car being raffled to fund their trip to Los Angeles. The band subsequently won the 1956 National American Legion Band Championship in Los Angeles at the national convention.
The band of American Legion Alfred William Leach Post No. 3, with a car being raffled to fund their trip to Los Angeles. The band subsequently won …
The American Legion Alfred William Leach Post No. 3 band at the WWI Winged Victory monument in Olympia, WA. The group later became the state-level American Region band and continues today.
The American Legion Alfred William Leach Post No. 3 band at the WWI Winged Victory monument in Olympia, WA. The group later became the state-level …

WWI vets started the band

One hundred years ago, in April 1924, a group of WWI veterans gathered at the American Legion Alfred William Leach Post No. 3 in Olympia and decided to form a band. They obtained army pants, wraparound leggings, and white shirts for their uniforms. Their first civic function was the opening of the local yachting season with the Olympia Yacht Club in the spring of 1925. This marked the beginning of an annual opening day performance. Ever faithful, they missed only two years out of 100, and that was due to the pandemic, 2020-2021.

The group has changed its look and composition over time. Here, Deborah Ross, through the Olympia Historical Society & Bigelow House Museum website, shared a 1956 snapshot in time with the advice of Dorothy Bergh Wack, who was their majorette from the time she was age 8 to 22.  

Kevin Robertson leads the Department of Washington American Legion Band at a DAR-sponsored concert in Tanglewilde.
Kevin Robertson leads the Department of Washington American Legion Band at a DAR-sponsored concert in Tanglewilde.

Dream job

“When I was a child, I planned my dream job… I realize now that I have it!” Kevin commented. As a career musician in the US Army, Kevin helped the Legion band in a 2010 emergency, filling in on the baritone horn for Olympia’s Legion Band, and the rest is… history! He soon became band director (in his spare time) and retired from the service two years later. He is the 19th director and, in that role, has the 3rd longest tenure in the band’s 100-year history, as of 2024.

Kevin and Amy Robertson at Percival landing, Olympia.
Kevin and Amy Robertson at Percival landing, Olympia.

Kevin and Amy

Kevin and Amy met and married in less than five months, in 1985, when they were both musicians in a college band. He was 19, and she was an 18-year-old clarinet player. (He had already decided he wanted to be a conductor.) In 1989, he earned a BA in music education and instrumentation from Abilene Christian University in Texas, with K-12 teacher certification, the equivalent of a master’s degree today. That same year, he enlisted in the US Army and, throughout his career, served in four US Army bands from Texas to Japan.

Kevin and Amy have been married for 39 years. Amy is on the band's executive board and handles information technology, social media, and vocals. Also, they plan verbiage together after Kevin’s research is complete, and at the concerts, she announces each song. (Amy’s “day job” is at the Washington State Department of Health!)

Department of Washington American Legion Band on-stage at the historic Raymond Theatre in Raymond, WA, June 9, 2024.
Department of Washington American Legion Band on-stage at the historic Raymond Theatre in Raymond, WA, June 9, 2024.

Band members

There are currently 30 musicians, some of whom travel a four-hour round trip for the weekly practice at Kreielsheimer Hall, the St. Martins music building, courtesy of the university. They range in age from a new member who is only 15 to those who are circa 80. Volunteers come from a variety of professions, including students and retirees.

Historical member, Oh Robert Crawford!

Major Robert MacArthur Crawford, a one-time vocalist for the Olympia Post 3 American Legion Band, famously, at the brink of WWII, won a contest for which he wrote the official Army Air Corps song, now called the Air Force Song. It is often referred to as "The Wild Blue Yonder,” His winning song inspired Americans at the brink of WWII. Robert attended Chehalis High School in Lewis County, WA. He was part of the Evergreen Valley Quartet starting in the Winter of 1914, but dropped out to work on the railroad in Alaska. Surprisingly, he was later accepted by Princeton University and after graduation and a year of vocal training in France, he received a graduate fellowship earning a master's degree at Julliard. He later taught at Julliard. A WWII pilot in the Air Transport Command, Time Magazine dubbed him the “Flying Baritone.” To the delight of Olympians, he also wrote a song he dedicated to the Olympia American Legion Band Post 3 entitled “Loyal Legionnaires.”

 “We play Loyal Legionnaires every time we play at a Legion Post function,” Kevin said. “For decades, Terry Anderson sang it with the band. Amy and one of our French horn players, David Dittemore, sing it today. During my tenure, we’ve performed it so often that I memorized the score without trying to. How can we not? It is a special part of our history as a musical ensemble.”

Wanna join?

Many of the members are highly skilled musicians, but volunteer musicians at every level are welcome. The director recognizes that not everyone can make all the rehearsals, and that is okay – but he asks that when they attend, they give 100%. Members choose to support veterans through music, but they need not have a military connection (most do not) or hold American Legion membership, though membership is encouraged for those eligible. All band members travel independently to practices and performances, fitting performance duties into their work, school, and home-life schedules. Contact Kevin Robertson at 253-302-9773 or

This collage is based on an experimental photo of Kevin Robertson conducting the Department of Washington American Legion Band.
This collage is based on an experimental photo of Kevin Robertson conducting the Department of Washington American Legion Band.

Their schedule for the remainder of 2024 follows:

  • 12-13 July 2024 American Legion Annual Convention at Kennewick Three Rivers Convention Center Marriott Hotel 8-9 am both days.
  • 8 August 2024 Colonial Estates Concert, Department of Washington American Legion Band 7-8 pm - On the lawn behind the community center. Sponsored by Colonial Estates and DAR. 3700 Elizabeth Ave. SE Olympia, WA 98501 (off 14th Ave. It is off 14th, between Sleater-Kinney & Fones Road). (JOLT calendar)
  • 29 August 2024 Honoring John Philip Sousa’s 125th Anniversary of Stars and Stripes Forever, Tanglewilde Concert in the Park (6-7 pm) Sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution in their ongoing celebration of Sousa’s “The Stars and Stripes Forever” as their national Wright Administration’s key theme, 2022-2025. Tanglewilde Rec Park 414 Wildcat St. SE, Lacey, WA. (Bring your own lawn chairs or blankets.) and,16143
  • 11 November 2024 Veteran’s Ceremony, music by Department of Washington American Legion Band and program by Washington Department of Veterans Affairs, Capitol Rotunda Olympia, WA. Generally, the music starts one half hour before the published program start time.
  • Mid-December 2024 Christmas Concert, which is free to the public, starting at 7 or 7:30 p.m. at Lacey Community Center, 6729 Pacific Ave SE, Olympia, WA. --> Keep updated on this and all of the band’s events via their Facebook page:

Shirley Stirling, of Lacey, writes about good things people in Thurston County are doing. If you’d like to nominate someone to be profiled, contact her at or comment below.


2 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • MamaBear

    When I heard the band play for the Memorial Day gathering at the Rotunda, I was extremely impressed with the quality of their music. Thank you for sharing your talent!!

    Saturday, July 6 Report this

  • How lucky we are to be the home base of such an illustrious band! As ever, Shirley has made us aware of jewels in our midst with her most engaging and yet very informative style! Thank you, Shirley!

    Saturday, July 6 Report this