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Before the pandemic, I attended a WA state senate hearing on housing, one of the Democratic Senator asked a developer if all regulations for development were removed, would he build housing for those who make $60,000 annually? The developer said that they build where they can make the most money period.

Furthermore, as a resident of the City of Olympia since 1995, I have personally tried to use cars as little as possible. When we bought our house, there was bus service every 30 minutes, but after Tim Eyman helped slash this service, the bus service decreased. I had to use the car more because I also helped transport others whose bus service had been slashed as they could not drive at all due to various disabilities and lack of income due purchase transportation.

The policy makers who have pushed this idea need to take a bigger look at transportation needs. As a caregiver--many of us transport all at one time-- little children and disabled elderly, in addition to all our groceries and that is a very challenging job to do on the existing, inadequate bus system, especially in an area that rains and has few bus shelters. You try holding an umbrella, little kids, and and helping grandma stand up all at once at the bus stop. Get real.

From: Zero parking for new multi-family residences? Seriously?

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