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Larry is not fully correct in his assertions; recent developments have shown that the expected federal funding component for the program has evaporated which leaves its status in question. The RFA would fully fund and implement the program without a need for either federal funding or the startup "loan" from the city of Olympia to the program which would somehow have to be paid back.

Furthermore, the RFA would provide funding for replacing fire engines and equipment as well as needed gear that the cities are currently unable or unwilling to provide.

As I've stated previously throughout following this process, we are going to be paying more one way or another. The question is does each city want to pay more separately or combine and pay a lesser amount?

The biggest barometer for me personally is do the people on the front lines doing the actual work support or reject the RFA, because I put the most weight on their opinion since they are in the thick of it. The answer is yes. Therefore I'm inclined to support it.

From: Vote “YES” for Proposition 1!

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