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There is alot of disturbing apathy and serious ignorance about this issue. There are many racist police that feel they have the right to kill people of color with impunity. AN ACT THAT DATES BACK TO THE KKK WORKING AS POLICE, MAYORS, JUDGES AND GESTAPO COMMUNITY LEADERS. Meanwhile, whites doing the same crime or worst are allowed a trial in court. JUST TO HAVE CHARGES DROPPED AND NO PUNISHMENT. Police have historically, acted as judge and jury, authoritarian and executors toward people of color- UNPROVOKED. Timothys crimes were not a death sentence. In a court of law, all are allowed a trial. But instead people of color are murdered. THIS IS THE ISSUE. Also, we fought long and hard for laws to stop police from even arresting mental health cases, let alone killing those having a health crisis. Police are not clinical social workers. They are old boys club murderers, taking orders from racist. FACT. I am an educated, well spoken and well dressed person of color and have had the police called on me NUMEROUS TIMES, for simply existing. FACT. And for practicing constitutional rights that are for ALL people. Right to gather in protest, right to free speech, free thought and free expression. These are basic human rights that get a 911 call (someone we dont think has the right to exist in our precious community is doing something we dont like, come remove them away from our sight) FACT. This common behavior is done both by white BLM type of supporters on the left and white constitution supporters on the right- who all want to monopolize basic human rights for their own selfiish agenda. TO HAVE ONLY CERTAIN PEOPLE ALLOWED TO EXIST IN "THEIR" SOCIETY. Its a class issue and an ethnic issue. But most important, it is a basic human rights issue. Elitist and supremacy minded society members deeming a certain indivisual, class or ethnic group as a blight to society, JUST FOR EXISTING. When a person of color has to walk around a community, hands clinched, in fear, bowing and smiling, JIM CROW style at any white person, afraid of any unapproved of speech or move will lead them to be seen as unacceptable. Imagine, this is how many people of color feel everyday. Seen as subordinates, no matter how educated. Seen as criminals just for existing, seen as violent, just for speaking up, seen as not worthy of basic human rights. Their basic human dignity subjugated and life seen as worthless. As Timothys mother said, the system let her down. Such a ruthless and cruel society that silently allows these crimes against humanity to continue and the murder of such a beautiful soul, needs the healing restoration of God. Cause otherwise, your precious society, and all that allow these crimes against humanity to continue- will fall.

From: Olympia community members want independent investigation of Timothy Green's death

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