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On behalf of families with members with disabilities, I say you need to walk a mile in our shoes.

So we're supposed to be their prison guards? Only very rich families can afford to do that, forsaking gainful employment of their own, or to hire others to perpetually control their children, brothers and nephews.

So many people in contact with human beings suffering disabilities are heartbroken that the outcome of this event was deadly.

It is the tragedy of mental illness. It is not simply "somebody breaking the law".

We all need to protect ourselves, so I sympathize with the folks who were assaulted by the man. However, there need to be alternatives to killing them, when mentally ill people are in the throes of their illnesses.

Politics has absolutely nothing to do with it. And the police are not the only ones in the picture.

From: Olympia community members want independent investigation of Timothy Green's death

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