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This is just another indication that Tumwater has this insane addiction to traffic circles. That, and a relentless pursuit of ever more lucrative tax infusions. Did you know that Tumwater has the highest fee for business licenses? Even higher than Seattle!

Now some yob wants to put in THREE traffic circles. WHY ALWAYS TRAFFIC circles? Is someone on the city council on the take? Even one would be absolute chaos. Has anyone in the planning/city council or whomever wants this actually watched a big truck trying to negotiate a traffic circle? Has any of them explained WHY this is necessary? Yes, the intersection of Trosper and Capitol is sometimes a backed up nightmare. But that's because Tumwater allowed a huge expansion in big stores like: Walmart, Costco, Fred Meyers, the Walgreens complex and the expansion of what is now Safeway. Didn't any of these planners think, um, where is all the traffic going to go?


Has any of the planners actually been behind the wheel of, say, a fire engine, trying to negotiate a traffic circle? There's no place for someone to pull off on the side.

Or how about driving one of the big trucks? If you watch them on Littlerock road, they have to actually move up onto the center part in order to actually make the curve.

In addition, whomever is in charge of creating the traffic circles make the big mistake of building up the middle and planting plants. No body takes care of the plants and all the planting does is make your use of the traffic circle into a BLIND curve. You can't see if someone is coming your way! DUH

A lot of businesses will be put out of business. A lot of businesses will find that what used to be their parking lot is now-a traffic lane.

Let's also ask, if you think traffic is bad now, just wait. Can you imagine the snafu when all this construction is going on? Coned down lanes, flaggers holding up traffic while big gravel trucks, earth movers, front end loaders are going back and forth. The noise, the traffic, the dirt-it's going to be worse than I can even imagine.

And, by the way, do they plan on putting in sidewalks?? (crickets)

This whole idea needs to be File 13'ed.

From: Tumwater rejects bids for Capitol Boulevard reconfiguration project

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