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I believe this particular article has incited the most diverse "public" commentary I personally have seen for a Lexis column. My mind, heart, and temper ran thru a HUGE gambit of emotions.... starting with the initial question, then big roller- coaster waves thru all the commentary.

I think folks need to look at the question itself: "should I care?" Maybe the person who wrote- in that question feels "indifferent" because a) shock; this can't be happening ; b) they can't advise, or in any way, affect the courses of militaristic action; c) they can't directly "help". At all. And sometimes "indifference" is the brain shutting down before it melts down.

The shizzle is a very recent development.

Its's real life; not war- mongering on a Cinemax big screen staring Bruce Willis.

Most US citizens are young. Even the overwhelming majority of folks on social security are still too young to have memories of being DIRECTLY exposed to war. And I don't mean threats of war (including building bomb shelters in the back yard), I mean the real deal.

US residents are, yet again, basically protected. Our sea to shining sea land mass is physically isolated from the rest of the world.

Not many folks are prepared for ugly truth. What can we, as individuals, do? Get mad? Riot? Protest? Ask the governor to pull "Russian products" off of grocery shelves as was done in Texas? Send goodie packages?

Should we, 340 million US citizens unite and demand that our president threaten to launch OUR nukes? (Surely, as THE only country in the world that has EVER deployed nuclear warhead(S) deliberately on civilization, it's a given that the US does NOT bluff, right?? )

It's been 45 years since I've fired an M16. Should I take the next flight out, point and shoot at a young Russian soldier who really doesn't want to fire weapons in what may well have been, or is, familial stomping grounds?

Just think how folks of Russian and/or Ukrainian descent, that live, work, teach, are students, pay taxes, in other countries, besides "the homelands", are "super-stuck"... frustrated, embarrassed, mad as hornets, and worried sick.

None of the above, not even empathy, provides any true tangible "help". At this point, anyway.

We, the majority of us in the US, in the world, may never be able to directly help.

But a BIG shout-out to tech- savvy folks who are fighting a battle in a new-age way!!! You all ROCK!!

From: Some perspective on the war

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