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from the article: “It’s about the necessity to think about others, to think of our health in a community sense, and not just whether or not I want to do whatever I want to do. [It's not] my body, my choice, it's our communities, our choice.” Those who make statements like this, may mean well but they are actually saying, "We know what's best for you and this is for the good of the whole." Neither statement is true. I don't know a single person who thinks,"I'm not getting this shot because I don't care about anyone but myself." We are not being given full disclosure on the "safety " of these shots. The community at large is making decisions on false assumptions and half-truths. You HAVE to do your own research outside of the mainstream rhetoric if you want truth. Our communities are made up of bodies that house individuals who must make educated decisions for their OWN good. When we educate ourselves to make correct decisions, the community thrives. If our right to choose is taken away, our communities, as we know them, no longer exist.

From: Thurston County issues vaccination requirement for county workers

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