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There is no need to put “rushed” in quotation marks. Despite the 11-month process, Commissioner Zita is correct in that the Port Commission has pushed through this decision without the transparency and accountability required.

What is the cost of remediation for this site? Why do the taxpayers bear this total cost?

Assurances are nice — but assurances are not legally binding. Where are the contracted, legal protections needed for Bush Middle School and the community?

Why were over 100 written comments to the Port opposing this action disregarded? Why wasn’t the City of Tumwater a partner in this action from the very beginning?

The Port taxes and taxes and yet is not held accountable for what it does with out money. The Port owes $36.5 million due to long-term obligation bond debt. Why is the Port taking on yet more debt in mitigation costs?

This deal has been on the agenda for 11 months but Commissioner Zita is right — this process, locking in a potential 55-year lease with extension options, has not been given the attention and detailed examination it requires.

From: Port of Olympia commissioners hold special meeting on New Market Industrial Campus

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