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Having grown up litterly in the downtown core I love downtown more than most. I love it for what it is and was, not for the vision of what it could be. I don't like seeing it changed into some sort of hoity toity overpriced yuppy haven. I think we need to do better to keep Olympia weird. That's what made it the special place it was. I'll continue supporting my downtown businesses, but first ask how they feel about all the new overpriced housing and businesses going in and replacing the community feel. If they are as frustrated as I am they have my support, I find most long existing places are. If they are new and in support of the takeover I will avoid them and ask my friends to do the same. We don't need what is being shoved down our throats downtown. It used to be such a wonderful community to thrive in no matter what your income. Now it seems city council wants to build a wealth hub where the people who work downtown can't afford to live down there but are still expected to show up and service yuppies and their ilk. I support keeping Olympia weird. It's what made it the awesome place it is/ was.

From: Speaking in support of downtown Olympia

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