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We desperately need some diversity on the Council. These decisions are negatively impacting our community in so many ways. Our homeless, those that are home burdened and of low income are paying the price of these decisions. Their lives will be worse, not better.

Our community has become so political that the people we vote to the Olympia City Council and Olympia School District are now activists and not focused on the details that matter for the success of a community over the long term. It is hard to watch.

There is so little meaningful Council public debate on these issues with long term impacts, the public has no idea how these groups arrived at their decisions. They just seem to agree, and then they move on to the next item. From someone on the outside looking into the process, it seems performative and not driven by results or accountability although those two words get used often.

"Why do these unintended consequences keep happening? We're following our moral view, lived experiences and our truths based on the ideas, methodologies and facts we've learned." - Graduate of Masters of Public Administration from Evergreen who continue to make up the majority of the Council.

Made up quote and unfair sarcasm, but based on my lived experience.

From: Olympia modifies, extends rental housing regulations

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