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These aren't "diverse" opinions. Describing Jews as "hook-nosed rat like creatures" is not a "diverse" opinion. Pushing the go back to where you came from narrative is not a "diverse" opinion. Some of the commenters here need to get real. It is okay to express an opinion that we should fix our immigration system. That is true. It s okay to express a desire to address the housing crisis. That's an important issue. The public comments at this meeting were not that. The city is right on this one. We should always condemn hate speech. You certainly have the freedom to express your views, but not without consequence. If you have s***y opinions like the ones in these public comments, you should expect to be called out. If you express those views around the wrong person in public, you might even should expect a bit more consequences.

From: ‘Lacey has no tolerance for discrimination’

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