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I don't know who is criticizing Derek Sanders and his commitment to doing the job we elected him to do, but obviously that person or persons have never: had a vehicle stolen, had a vehicle broken into, been robbed at gunpoint, been carjacked, had their home swatted or broken into. The bleeding hearts saying 'it's too dangerous to have the police chase criminals" are the cause of why these thieves run rampant. Did you know that the Washington state has the highest number of burglaries in the nation? And perhaps, bleeding hearts, that Chief Sanders is doing WHAT WE WANT HIM TO DO?

Does the bleeding heart understand that when one's car is stolen, it's totaled out. THe owner is left stranded..he or she can't get to work. Or take an ailing family member to an appointment. And no one..not the police department, or the state or the government or someone will make the owner whole. Nope. The owner's insurance company will write it off and then jack up the premiums.

In the meantime, the thieves..who are considered 'juveniles'...will be told, bad boy. We'll give you another chance to: steal, rob, burglarize, even kill. Because you are too young to understand. My arse. They know darned well they can do what they want and get away with it.

Bleeding heart criticizers...move. Leave Thurston county, please. We like Chief Sanders and support his efforts to rein in the rampant crime in our county.

From: Four juvenile suspects were arrested after fleeing vehicle crashed; stolen firearms found

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