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I'm really disappointed to hear that Gary Edwards, seems to be all for raising taxes in Rural Unincorporated areas. Increasing the cost of licensing a dog, and/or imposing a fee for licensing a dog where none has been required in the past, is just that, raising taxes. Many people live in the Rochester area for the lower costs of living from that of living in the cities or in incorporated towns. The cost of living due to raises in energy costs from PSE, gasoline, and the cost of food is already prohibitive for some of us. There are a lot of Senior Citizens in the area, that depend on their dog for companionship and for safety concerns, and live on an extremely limited income. ALL of you commissioners know that, already, but you are all about the money. A lot of us thought Gary Edwards was different in that regard, but apparently, he has crossed over to that side now, too. If you are going to put a tax on dogs, then be fair and do it for the cats in the area as well! We have a far greater problem with cats here, than we do with dogs! We are overpopulated with cats, both feral and privately owned cats, who are allowed to roam freely, day and night. Who kill chickens to the point of me having to give away the last of my flock, due to the cats killing my chickens. I have had to remove the bird feeders as they leap up and grab a songbird, bite the head off and drop the bird and leave it lie. The **** in my raised garden beds, and are so inner bred, some even **** on top of the lettuce, and don't attempt to bury it. They make a huge mess on my back porch, which is difficult for me to keep cleaning it due to balance issues from a bad foot surgery. CATS are the problem here, not the occasional dog that gets out. Neighbors here, go on facebook and quickly find who the owner is, and they come and get it. Not so, with the multitudes of cats roaming around.

From: County mulls updates to pet licensing fees in unincorporated areas

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