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I agree that this sounds wonderful - but to answer the question raised about sore throats and splinters; because getting in to see a doctor - any doctor - is like winning the lottery. We're dealing with a broken system. Period. This article is one of the first that tells it like it is - where are the nurses? Where are the doctors? After several trips to the ER in the last couple of years, I want to know if any of the decision makers have any clue about the mental health crisis and drug crisis happening in our area? I they did, they would realize the situation needs to be dealt with head on - not handing out more needles or offering counseling. Their needs are not ER needs and should not be prioritized above the person having chest pain or with the broken arm or head injury - yep, that's what I've witnessed just in the last few months. I hope this facility brings relief - my fear is that it will just fill up with more of the same.

From: Emergency care relief on the horizon: MultiCare Emergency Department Lacey

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