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Money spent on fixing and adding sidewalks is useful. Recreational bike trails are an excellent investment. But bike lanes for "commuters" are a giant mis-appropriation of funds and mis-allocation of roadway. Scrape away the hype and we find bicycle commuting stagnated nationally -- and probably locally -- in approximately 2014 as a insignificant statistical blip -- somewhere less than 3% of the commuting public. So we are really just re-purposing multi-functional roadways into single-purpose fitness gyms for the fully able. The "bikes will save the planet" crowd need to recognize fellow citizens with responsibilities for young kids or aging parents can't risk lifestyle-changing injuries from a minor fender-bender. When bicycles are required to have street-legal headlights, taillights, turn-signals, air bags and seat belts, then maybe the issue is worth re-visiting. Until then: No More Bike Lanes!

From: Olympia City Council backs sales tax increase for biking/pedestrian but debates flexibility in project funding

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