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Holy **** it doesn't take much to get a letter published in JOLT.

Problem - We haven't seen results from throwing money at a problem.

Solution - Throw more money at the problem, but this time let's use a scheme that give zero incentive to fix the root problem.

Genius I say, genius!

Let's ignore the suggestion to turn the Tumwater blight into the Tumwater disaster crime zone. We don't need to pile on poor Fred.

The problem is easy enough for everyone to see, but our elected leaders have failed us. Why do we keep electing the same brand? We have a drug and mental health problem. Plain and simple. No amount of cheap housing or expensive basic income stipends is going to solve the problem. It will only continue the slide of our wealthy state into a bipolar zombie wasteland ignored by the wealthy in safe spaces.

We need people like you Fred. I'm sorry I poked fun. You care. Let's get that energy directed in the right place. No solution can begin or end without mental health facility and recovery pathways. No solution can begin or end without drug rehabilitation facilities and recovery pathways.

Think of all the money that has been squandered on schemes that only exacerbated the problem. How many "charities" and NGO's profited from fat tax dollar pockets and weak efforts? We are a healthy and wealthy state, but we won't be much longer if we continue to squander our resources and allow our neighbors to wallow in misery.

Point of contact - Jail, Mental Health Eval, Drug Rehab Eval, or existing services to get down-on-their-luck types off the street. Clear pathways for our first responders to direct our neighbors who are in crisis. The money is there, but is our will and compassion?

From: Suggesting an alternative approach to battling homelessness

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