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We hope you will approach your new assignment with an open and objective review of both sides of the debate about the future of Capital Lake. Critical comparisons of before and after the construction of the 5th Avenue dam, where the salmon could not swim due to natural constraints (Tumwater Falls) and what the impacts of development (location of the City of Olympia) did to shape the future waterfront. The 5th avenue Dam is being improperly blamed for a fishery impact that did not exist before the dam. The construction project that included the dam, the Lake, the fish ladders around the natural waterfalls, all benefitted the salmon run that now exists. The negative water quality in Budd Inlet did not come from the Dam, but rather us humans and natural conditions. The Lake now provides free and valuable treatment of the discharges from human impacts from the upper Deschutes River,including highly oxygenated water that flows into Budd Inlet. Removing the dam will remove the natural treatment process that is more significant than the LOTT multimillion dollar nitrogen removal system. Nor will it treat the 80% and more pollutants that exists in Budd Inlet that arrives on the incoming tide from the North. As a newcomer Mara, please don't just follow the misguided EIS. Do your own research on both sides of the "damn Dam" My projection---removing the dam will cost the community taxpayers over $1.0 Billion. Let's make sure that the DES claims of benefits are even close to being the truth. Hopefully you can report on the facts and not just the emotions.

From: Reasons to jump into our rivers

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