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Regarding other comments about candidates, Emily Clouse is better educated and better qualified for the position that she seeks than Terry Ballard. He has no constructive ideas to bring to the County Commissioner position. He "participates" by attending meetings and complaining that the sitting Commissioners aren't doing things as he would. We voters elected those three Commissioners, two of them twice. Mr. Ballard also claims at each meeting that the sitting Commissioners are violating the RCW all the time, but no legal complaints have been brought to bear against any or all of the sitting Commissioners.. No ideas, no leadership, no goals. Ms. Clouse, regardless of hair color, has ideas and solutions to the problems that our county faces and the experience to implement solutions. She is a collaborative and inclusive person with extensive experience in resolving the specific issues that we face. She has combat experience in recent time as well. By far a better choice than Mr. Ballard.

From: Candidate forums for 17 local elected positions are available in two clicks now

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