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Interesting JOLT would print such a biased perspective. Perhaps the printing shows the biased lens and requires the reader to discern for themselves.

Russ was appointed by Jay Inslee to the Public Disclosure Commission, a body charged with reporting and regulating financial donations in politics.

He attempts to hide his biased hit job on a critique of valid voter information brought to the public; as if he is one of the plebs searching for information crumbs from candidates. No, he is a political insider perfectly aware of the system and structure. Don't be fooled.

The fact is there are a myriad of ways for voters to search out information on candidates. Most crave the attention of public questions and interaction. Subscription paywalls of half hearted biased journalistic endeavors were never the best method of learning about candidates. It has always been self sought research.

Let me give you some inside baseball insight. Frank Derocher scares the Democratic elite like Russ because he's an actual stakeholder within the school board institution standing up against a degradation of what used to be a pinnacle of pride for Olympia ... the Oly School District. Russ and his comrades need to degrade a parent volunteer like Derocher.

At the end Russ shows concern for safety in Olympia, and yet just trashed the School Board candidate in favor of bringing School Resource Officers back to the hallways of Oly School District.

Which is it Russ? And why can't you find a website and or myriad of public events where the candidates can be reached for questions? Ahhh, a hit piece on one, and public pressure applied to the other. Got it.

And finally the comments about Perkins, a private citizen participating in politics. Just flip the slander on its head and apply the same derogatory language. These hit pieces are gross.

Moms and dads participating in School Boards and the debate on school issues is literally what democracy is all about. Apparently like op ed hit pieces from political insiders.

From: The coming election: We need candidates who will answer questions completely and thoroughly

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