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I appreciate that this story has a tentatively happy ending....but if you read closely - it wasn't the City, the County or the State that helped this women - EVER! It was the Union Gospel Mission, a non-profit that does not accept Government funds. So, all the tax dollars and government budget spent to hire homeless advocates and specialists, studies and more studies, consultants, and services that clearly aren't wanted or used, needle exchange programs,to keep addicts addicts, and housing that isn't used, did NOT benefit this woman. Each story featured in the Jolt is a message - what is being done isn't helping and isn't appropriate to help the people in this situation or the community saddled with the burden of this self-imposed blight. WAKE UP!!!!! Stop voting for these idiots who really and truly don't have our or their interest in mind. This is about keeping the money flowing to themselves and their buddies - this is about maintaining their own power.

From: Leah Roadman’s Story: Overcoming drugs, violence and homelessness

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