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Dear Overwhelmed Mom,

Please have this conversation with your husband now before the situation gets any worse. Men are blind and deaf when it comes to sensing the emotional needs of women and need to be told in definite words to their face or they don't understand. Hints and hoping don't get through to them. You must tell your husband exactly how you're feeling and why now or it will only get worse and your feelings of resentment will build up. He may feel everything is just fine and you're a perfect mother, which you are. But having had the same experience you've had, I know that taking care of a newborn is exhausting and overwhelming. You need rest and support emotionally and physically. Tell your husband that you need him to give you the relief you need and how long you need it for. Tell him you need a nap, you need him to make you dinner, you need him to give you a back rub and a hug. Tell him whatever it is you wish he'd do for you, because he can't read your mind. He may be the most wonderful man on the planet, but men don't read women's body language the same way other women do. The definitely need to be told in words. "I need help." Do it now. Good luck. I know exactly how overwhelmed and exhausted you are, so what have you got to lose?


From: New baby overwhelm and husband

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